Boldrocchi @ AISTech 2015


Boldrocchi confirms also this year its presence at the largest american Iron & Steel conference, AISTech 2015, which will be held in Cleveland from 4th to 7th of May 2015. Come and visit us at booth #2964 to discover our large products portfolio for the Metals industry, from the widest range of Air Pollution Control systems to Heavy Duty Fans, from Air Coolers to Electrical Machines and Transformers Heat Exchange systems.

Tourah Portland Cement: new contract for Boldrocchi Ecologia in Egypt

EGYPT – BOLDROCCHI Ecologia has signed a new contract with Tourah Portland Cement, a subsidiary of Suez Cement Group of Companies (SCGC), for revamping of the whole Line #9 de-dusting units in Tourah Plant (Cairo) . The contract, turn-key basis, includes new Kiln & Raw Mill Bag Filters, By-Pass Bag Filter, Clinker Cooler Heat Exchanger and Bag Filter with new exhaust Fans. The new contract is a step forward for Boldrocchi strongly and successfully working during last 5 years in the Country where has recently also established the Boldrocchi Egypt Ltd. Co. for the local activities  and management of new projects.

The project schedule foresees installation, commissioning and start-up during next August 2016 kiln shut-down.

“Impianti termotecnici per un’energia pulita” Tecnologie flessibili a basso impatto ambientale e ad alto rendimento.


Boldrocchi parteciperà al Convegno che avrà luogo a Milano l’8 Aprile 2014, presso l’Aula Maggiore FAST in P.le Morandi, 2.

L’ing. Saccenti e l’ing. Giavazzi saranno presenti come relatori.

Il Convegno si propone di approfondire il modo in cui può essere possibile, dal punto di vista tecnico, soddisfare le richieste di normative sempre più stringenti in termini di inquinamento e di emissioni senza gravare in modo eccessivo sulle risorse finanziarie del settore produttivo.

Verrà inoltre affrontato il tema molto attuale della flessibilità e dell’efficienza degli impianti termotecnici di potenza in relazione agli squilibri dovuti alle fonti rinnovabili.

Per iscriversi bisogna contattare la Segreteria Organizzativa ATI – Sezione Lombardia – e-mail:; o al n. di fax 02.76009442.


Egypt Suez Cement Company – New order for Boldrocchi Ecologia

EGYPT – BOLDROCCHI srl has signed a new contract with Suez Cement, for revamping of complete de-dusting line in Suez Plant. The contract, turn-key basis, includes new bag filters, heat exchanger and fans on Kiln & RM and Clinker Cooler, replacing existing baghouse and glaver bed filters. This job comes following the big project in Helwan Plant, signed by Boldrocchi in 2012, for new Kiln & RM bag filters and fans, where Line #1 has commissioned one month ago, with excellent performances and Line #2 is expected to be completed end of May ’14.

 The project schedule has fixed revamping activities during next shut-down of kiln in Suez Plant expected on August 2014.