Another Boldrocchi de-dusting Plant in Egypt

Boldrocchi Suez Sokhna Plant Air Pollution Control Bag Filter Heat Exchanger Kiln Clinker Cooler Fan Environment Egypt

Clinker Cooler Heat Exchanger and Bag Filter by Boldrocchi – Suez Cement Sokhna – EGYPT

Boldrocchi Ecologia has successfully completed commissioning and start-up of new Air Pollution Control equipment in Suez Cement Sokhna Plant for the complete Line #1. Mechanical istallation was completed in October 2014 and after 3 months running since first start-up,  testing report shows great  results and performances with dust emission level < 5 mg/m3. The commissioned de-dusting line consists in Kiln & Raw Mill baghouse filter, Clinker Cooler Heat Exchanger and Bag Filters with all new exhaust fans. The turn-key project carried-out in Sokhna Plant is the third Boldrocchi Air Pollution Control Equipment installed for Suez Cement Group of Companies (SCGC) in Egypt, after Helwan and El Minya (white cement) units, installed and commissioned during last 3 years.

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